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Cellu Premium Roller

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✓ Boosts the lymphatic system 
Reduces cellulite in the legs, arms & waist
 Improves the blood circulation
emoves waste & toxins from the tissues
 Reduces stretch marks visibility
 Helps with fibromyalgia pains
 Promotes metabolism
 Improves skin’s underlying health
 Reduces swelling & muscle cramps
 Slimmer & firmer legs in only 2 weeks

 All-natural & non-invasive

POWER UP! with the Cellu Roller

Premium High Grade Foam Cellu Roller, that releases tense muscles and strengthens your fascia.

✓ Develops Muscle strength
✓ Improves blood circulation
✓ A decrease in subcutaneous fat
✓ Increases metabolism
✓ Removes skin toxins & waste
✓ Reduces the appearance of cellulite
✓ Skin firmness & elasticity
✓ Fibromyalgia pain relief

People LOVE using the Cellu Roller Cellu Roller Lymphatic massage Lymphatic drainage muscle pain muscle soreness Cellu Roller Lymphatic massage Lymphatic drainage muscle pain muscle soreness

Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!

How does it work?

Cellulite is thought to arise when the fibrous bands of connective tissue (fascia) that anchor the skin to muscles break down, allowing fat cells to push up into the skin layer. This creates the uneven, bumpy texture that gives cellulite its cottage cheese-like appearance.

Enhanced blood flow & increased lymphatic drainage help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The idea is that increasing circulation to the area strengthens fascia & prevents fat cells from pushing through to cause more dimpling.

High-density foam

Whenever dealing with tense muscles, you want to be careful with how much pressure you’re applying to the affected area.

Made with eco-friendly materials, our Cellu foam has been carefully selected to apply the perfect pressure & provides muscle recovery, pain relief, and improved flexibility.  

The anti-cellulite massage stimulates the deep layers of the skin & the muscle, encouraging the flow of oxygenated blood to the area, which provides the nutrients necessary to improve the condition of your skin, as well as helping the lymphatic system to remove any toxins and excess fluid.

How to use the Cellu Roller:

Facia loves heat, so warm up with a few minutes of low-impact cardio, if you can.

For best results use it on your bare skin & with a cellulite cream, (coconut) oil or lotions to help the Cellu Roller glide.

Begin rolling it over your skin up and down - just like when foam rolling. When you hit a trigger point or tight spot, sit and work on that spot for 30 to 60 seconds as it slowly dissipates. We recommend 5 to 15 minutes per body zone total.

Because your fascia is all connected, remember to roll other body parts as well and not just your “trouble areas”.

After rolling, we recommend hydrating.

You can roll as often as you’d like, just be careful not to roll over bruised areas.

Fantastic Quality, Trusted Brand!

"We ensure highest standards of product quality so you have a peace of mind. You never have to worry about it", Cellu Team

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