Enhanced blood flow & increased lymphatic drainage using Cellu roller helps release tight muscle knots, reduces muscle pain and is a remedy to decrease the appearance of cellulite. Increased blood circulation to the areas of pain strengthens fascia and prevents fat cells to cause dimpled skin - giving a toned appearance to muscles around legs, arms or neck.
✓ Fascia smoothing
✓ Improved blood circulation
✓ A decrease in subcutaneous fat
✓ Increased metabolism
✓ Removal of toxins & waste
✓ A decrease in appearance of cellulite
✓ Skin firmness & elasticity
✓ Fibromyalgia pain relief
Whenever dealing with tense muscles, you want to be careful with how much pressure you’re applying to the affected area.
Made with eco-friendly materials, our Cellu foam has been carefully selected to apply the perfect pressure & provides muscle recovery, pain relief, and improved flexibility.